KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in Children with CKD: 2008 Update


This Clinical Practice Guideline document is based upon the best information available at the time of publication. It is designed to provide information and assist decision making. It is not intended to define a standard of care and should not be construed as one, nor should it be interpreted as prescribing an exclusive course of management.

Variations in practice will inevitably and appropriately occur when clinicians take into account the needs of individual patients, available resources, and limitations unique to an institution or a type of practice. Every health care professional making use of these recommendations is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of applying them in the setting of any particular clinical situation. The recommendations for research contained within this document are general and do not imply a specific protocol.

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) makes every effort to avoid any actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of theWork Group.

All members of the Work Group are required to complete, sign, and submit a disclosure and attestation form showing all such relationships that might be perceived or actual conflicts of interest. This document is updated annually and information is adjusted accordingly. All reported information is published in its entirety at the end of this publication in the Work Group members’ Biographical and Disclosure Information section and is on file at the NKF.

In citing this document, the following format should be used:
National Kidney Foundation. KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in Children with CKD: 2008 Update. Am J Kidney Dis 53:S1-S124, 2009 (suppl 2).


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